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- 🥰 Yelp Dating
🥰 Yelp Dating
And Elon’s bulletproof doors

This is Nick. This is Jack. And we’re still riding the high of our first-ever live show with the Yetis of San Francisco. The crowd? Phenomenal. The setting on the Bay? Stunning. Our voices? Destroyed (we took Friday off on the pod so we could recover our vocal cords). There’s nothing like the energy of a crowd like the Besties IRL (if ya know, ya know). You can catch some of the live show here… in the meantime, let’s hit our 2 newsletter stories.
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1) Cybertruck is Here: But It’s Less Like a Car, More Like a Dress

Image source: Tesla
For 4 years we’ve been waiting for Tesla’s 5th car: The Cybertruck. Finally, the first Cybertrucks were delivered in Austin, TX yesterday (spoiler: we saw one in SF prowling the Presidio. Must’ve gotten loose).
If C3PO mated with a Hummer… it would be a Cybertruck. Tesla’s wild electric pickup truck looks like a predatory robot animal from the future. It was supposed to be the 1st electric pickup truck, but Rivian, Ford, and Chevrolet beat it to the punch.
Why’s the Cybertruck arriving so late?
⌚ According to the WSJ, the reason for the delay is “The Exoskeleton.”
🦾 Elon insisted on the vehicle being bullet-proof, which required ultra-hard stainless steel doors/windows/hood (instead of aluminum or regular stainless steel).
🛑 But that metal is so hard to bend, the Cybertruck’s been stuck on the assembly line.
🫰 Add it all up? The Cybertruck’s lowest priced model (which doesn’t arrive until 2025) starts at $61k, more than 50% of the price Elon quoted in the 2019 unveiling.
FYI: The last car to use ultra-hard steel? The Delorean from Back To the Future. Elon confessed last month “We dug our own grave with the Cybertruck…” and it may not even be profitable…
The Takeaway →
The Cybertruck wasn’t designed like a car — it was designed like a dress. The car industry is all about giving the customer exactly what they want: Because it takes so much time/money to develop a new vehicle, car companies base the design on customer research. But this Cybertruck is the opposite: surprising, daring, and bold, like a dress at Paris fashion week. Elon didn’t do a focus group to design this Cybertruck — he used his imagination.
2) I Found Love on Yelp

The new way to find love isn't on dating apps — According to the WSJ, singles are going to Yelp, Strava, and Duolingo to find a mate instead. *Deletes Bumble for the 6th time this year…
Give this a try…
On Yelp: You see a review for a vegan cafe by a user with a non-cringy profile pic… so you reply, “Try the soyrizo burrito with me?”
On Strava: You see someone beat your segment record… so you send them kudos and a winky face. 😉
On Duolingo: You come across an American gal that’s also a level 7 in French. Emily in Paris, will you be my guest…
On UberPool: You see if rider-roulette pairs you with a cutie you decide to meet up with 3 months later (this one actually happened to a listener of our show).
This makes perfect sense: 💏 Non-dating apps better represent your authentic self and values than what you say in your dating profile (like on Bumble or Tinder).
The Takeaway →
Show, don’t tell. That’s an old writing lesson from our middle school English teachers… but it applies to the dating app industry, too. Your Bumble bio may tell us that your hobbies include running. But your 6x/week run-streak on Strava shows how much it’s part of who you are. Showing is way more effective than telling. Which is why you can find love in a hopeless place (like a Yelp comment section).
On the Pod…
🤠 Mark Cuban is quitting Shark Tank and selling the Mavericks. Why? It’s part of a master plan to transform Dallas into Las Vegas. To learn more, watch our live podcast recording.

Here’s what else you need to know today —
📈 November is now Go-vember: Stocks jumped all month to finish up 8%.
🗺️ It’s not just you: Google Maps did just change its colors (and there’s a whole strategy behind it).
😬 Forbes 30 Under 30 releases it’s Hall of Shame #Regrets.
🪙 Coinbase stock is up 60% in the same period that FTX’s founder was found guilty and Binance’s founder plead guilty.
🚢 Royal Caribbean takes ownership of the world’s biggest cruise ship.
🤬 Elon’s upset about advertisers ditching X, so… now he’s cursing at them.
🍖 Charcuterie board talents are driving mortadela sales for the first time in a generation.
🇺🇸 Henry Kissinger, the former Secretary of State who shaped decades of American foreign policy, passed away at 100.
📊 And that’s just after legendary investor Charlie Munger passed away at 99 (here are some of our favorite Munger quotes).

The Ferry Building in San Francisco (where we just held our live show) is built on a landfill — And that landfill is largely made of hulls from ships used during the gold rush.
And one more thing. One of the couples at our live show met… in an Uber Pool (such a good story). If you met a date from a non-dating app, we gotta hear about it.
—Nick & Jack
